Winter Tour 2009: The End

The first day of 2010 dawned bright and sunny, an excellent start to the new year.

Still tired from the late night, we still were woken up relatively early in order to have breakfast, freshen up, pack, and load ourselves into the vehicles for the long drive back to Indianapolis.

We were looking forward to being back home, but at the same time we were a little sad that the Tour was now at an end, and that we had to leave the hospitality of the Atlanta collective.

The drive back was long but uneventful.

By the time were reached Indianapolis, we were back down to about 10 participants. Still wired from the drive, and from the Tour in general, we spent the night recording ourselves dancing to various Indian songs, much to our amusement.

The next day, we visited a nearby family in Indianapolis who had recently had a baby. We then dispersed and went our separate ways back to West Lafayette, Chicago, Bloomington-Normal and Springfield.

The Tour had come to its end.

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